
Saturday 9 February 2013

The caffeine in ur can

Many people might be surprised to discover there is less caffeine in Coca‑Cola than the equivalent-sized serving of instant coffee or tea.
As you can see in our comparison chart, levels of caffeine in Coca‑Cola are actually relatively low in comparison to those in other regularly consumed drinks.
The caffeine in our drinks such as Coca‑Cola, Dr Pepper and Coke Zero contributes to the overall flavour, adding a slight bitterness and working well with both sugar and sweeteners to provide an enjoyable taste. It's also used in our energy drink Relentless, and in the Spark flavour of our Glaceau Vitamin Water.
Safe for mums-to-be
The Food Standards Agency recommends that pregnant women should not consume more than 200mg of caffeine a day. A can of Coca‑Cola has 32mg of caffeine and a can of Diet Coke contains 42mg. Pregnant or breast-feeding women, or women trying to become pregnant, should follow their healthcare provider's advice regarding caffeine intake. For pregnant women wanting a completely decaf option, we offer several caffeine free drinks including Caffeine-Free Diet Coke, Oasis, Fanta, Lilt, Sprite and 5 Alive.
Suitable for regular consumption
There are no recommended daily upper limits in the European Union, or in the UK, for caffeine, except for pregnant women. The European Commission and the Food Standards Agency in the UK both state that caffeinated drinks are safe to consume daily in moderation.
Hydration and caffeinated drinks
We need to keep our bodies well hydrated. While caffeine may have a mild, short-term diuretic effect on individuals who do not normally consume it, studies show that's not the case for people who enjoy caffeine regularly. A report in 2004 by the US Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that all drinks, including those containing caffeine, contribute to hydration. This has also been supported by a scientific review by the British Nutrition Foundation in 2010.
Enhances athletic performance
Caffeine in a sufficient quantity can be a known performance enhancer, particularly in elite sports and it is not a banned substance by the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA). Scientific studies have demonstrated that it does not promote dehydration or an imbalance in electrolytes.
Better tasting drinks
The caffeine in our regular soft drinks, such as Coca‑Cola, contributes an important aspect to their taste.


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